
Good Morning

Thank you so much for taking the time reading my first blog.

This week I have noticed that many people are feeling angry, frustrated, sad and complain about low energy, without having any reason.  We know that for the moment the world is experiencing enormous changes and upheaval, and without really thinking about it we are picking up on those negative vibrations.  People do forget that just by watching the news on TV or listening to it on the radio,  they can be influenced on a very subtle level and will pick up on the fear, frustration or anger.  These negative emotions will drag down the immune system and before you know it you find yourself feeling tired and unwell.  We truly are all interconnected and when people are suffering in one area we all suffer on an energetic level.


Nature Heals

How can you protect yourself from these negative vibes so you can actually help the planet instead of adding to the negativity.  One idea is to not watch the news every day,  this is not sticking your head in the sand, this is self protection.  Instead of getting sad or angry about the news,  follow your own music, by that I mean, you prefer to be happy and peaceful, so work on that.  Connect yourself to that inner joy, through meditation, listening to mantras.  The Gaiatri Mantra is a beautiful one.  You Tube has a wide selection.  Ho’Oponopono music is another great way of energetically cleansing yourself and connecting with that inner love and peace.  I usually sit outside and listen to the variety of birds visiting my bottle brush tree.  The soothing tweeting and noises of the parrots,  honey birds etc.. help me to go within and slow down my monkey mind and connect with my peaceful self.


Nature Heals